QOS came about after noticing that some of the best and rarest talents are left behind due to lack of platforms available. Those which are available have perhaps become too commercial to notice those rare, raw talents who deserve to be in the limelight. Thus, came about Quatrain of Sa’adi in honour of Shaikh Sa’adi (RA) who is known as the foremost and most eminent of poets in Islamic history. His poems are unique and unmatched. His most notable and perhaps the most prominent poem in honour of the Prophet SAW is the quatrain he penned as “Balaghal-‘ula be-kamaal-e-hi, Kashafad-duja be-jamaal-e-hi, Hasunat jamee’u khisaal-e-hi, Sallu ‘alae-hi wa aal-e-hi” . It is unquestionably the most famous Naat, Madh, Poem written by Shaikh Sa’adi and has been on the lips of all scholars and Naat artists for centuries. This short yet most eloquent poem touches the heart and soul of those who listen to the verses. The ode has been translated to all the languages that Muslims speak around the world. Therefore, it was only correct to honour this great poet. Our objectives are to seek and promote artists/performers who emit raw and original talent along with the enthusiasm and passion to create original and soul-warming Naats, Nasheeds, and Poems which will motivate and inspire the Ummah within the parameters of Islam.
QOS endeavour to produce and distribute Islamic multi-media to the highest standard so that it is presented in such a way that is entertaining and educational. In the current climate of suspicion and distrust amongst the citizens of the world and Islam, we are looking to transcend the boundaries of faiths and cultures so that the central message of Islam which is peace and harmony could be spread amongst people of all faiths in order to co-exist in this world as was the case in history.
We hope that you as a visitor will support us in our work and invite you to continue make supplications for us all at QOS.